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Lab-scale原位XRD在电池体系表征中的应用 Applications of Lab-Scale in-situ XRD Characterization in Battery Charging/Discharging Study

时间:2020-03-09 作者: 点击:

【仪器设备:原位X射线衍射仪 配备了转靶和二维Eiger探测器】

【地点:4号楼112 X射线衍射实验室】


1 原位XRD配置及电池模具的安装

由于便携式电子设备及电动汽车需求锐增,具有能量密度高、无记忆效应、在不使用时只有缓慢电荷损失的锂离子电池,亟需对其电化学性能进行优化。而影响其电化学性能的最关键因素,便是电极的反应机制。锂离子电池电极材料的性能主要取决于其组成及结构。系统研究电极材料的组成、结构及性能的构效关系,探索电极材料在充放电过程中的结构演化、离子及电荷转移,对深入了解电极材料的储锂机制,及优化材料的化学组成、晶体结构及形貌都具有十分重要的意义。原位X射线衍射技术(in-situ XRD)聚焦于在材料的形成和转化过程中进行实时XRD扫描,如在电池材料充放电过程中,实时监测电极材料相变和结构演变,精确反映电池反应的机制。


2 原位电池的组装及应用

近日,发表在《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》的文章中,吉林大学Chunzhong Wang课题组基于丰富的电池设计及研究经验,用原位XRD表征技术揭示了钠基底上的Ag nanoparticle electrochemical coating机理:


4  (a) 第一、二放电过程中原位XRD检测的多晶衍射谱图;在(b)放电及(c)充电过程中,与GCD曲线对应的AgTi2(PO4)3多晶多晶衍射谱。

当电池开始放电时,位于38°的Ag宽峰开始出现,且在放电过程中峰位保持不变。当放电至2.1V时,AgTi2(PO4)320.9° (110) and 32.1° (116)逐渐变弱,且伴随着来自于NaTi2(PO4)3的新峰20.3° (110) and 32.4° (116)的出现,此相变过程揭示了相变机制:

AgTi2(PO4)3 + Na+ + e- → NaTi2(PO4)3 + Ag




In Situ Electrochemical Coating Mechanism of NASICONStructured AgTi2(PO4)3 for Sodium-Ion BatteriesZhixuan Wei, Zhongyu Zhang, Nan Chen, Gang Chen, Chunzhong Wang, and Fei Du, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Page 1-20 Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b20539 • Publication Date (Web): 09 Jan 2020


Applications of Lab-Scale in-situ XRD Characterization in Battery Charging/Discharging Study

Facilities: in-situ X-Ray Diffractometor: equipped with rotational anode and 2D Eiger detector

Location: XRD lab, Room 112, Building 4

The XRD lab at ISCPS provides access to state-of-the-art in-situ XRD characterization for batteries, which hosts the diffractometer equipped with large area 2D detector Eiger, temperature-dependent battery chamber as well as powerful data processing software and rich-experience technical support for energy material research at Westlake University.


Fig 1 the configuration of in-situ XRD and the assembly of battery chamber on it

Due to the ever-increasing desire for portable electronic devices and electrical cars, Li batteries who bears the advantages of high energy density, no memory effect and slow charge loss raise urgent need to optimize their electrochemical performance. The key factor among all in influencing electrochemical performance is the reaction mechanism of electrolytes. Also the electrochemical performance is predominated by their compositions and structures. A series of research focusing on the composition, structure and corresponded property of electrolyte materials, exploring the charging/discharging process of structure evolution, ion and charge transfer are of great significance. In-situ XRD literally concentrates on real-time screening for functional materials on their formation and transformation. For instance, in-situ XRD is capable of real-time monitoring the structure evolution of electrolytes and revealing the reaction mechanism for battery.

Attributed to the influence of physical discrepancy of battery electrode, disassembly procedure, cleaning and transfer procedure of electrode, non in-situ XRD measurement usually failed to reflect the real situation of charging/discharge behavior for batteries. For example, the quality and distribution of effective components on electrode are different, which results in poor reproducibility of peak intensity during various charging/discharging cycles. Moreover, different electrodes maintain different folding mode, which also brings the peak shift in XRD at some extend. In-situ XRD remains scanning the identical area of the target all through the process. Herein, the information of unit cell parameters, peak intensity etc is highly comparable. It sheds light on improving the performance of electrolyte materials by investigating the structure evolution process and electrochemical reactions. 


Fig 2 In-situ assembly of batteries and their applications

Recently, the article published on ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces from Wang group, applied in-situ characterization technique with their novel design and rich experience in battery operation, to reveal an electrochemically Ag nanoparticle coating mechanism upon sodiation, facilitating the electron transfer in the complex.


Fig 3 Rietveld refinement of AgTi2(PO4)3 based on the powder XRD


Fig 4 (a) The contour plots of in situ XRD patterns of the selected 2 theta degree ranges during the first and second discharge and charge process; Selected individual diffraction patterns of AgTi2(PO4)3 stacked against the GCD potential profile during the first discharge (b) and charge (c) process

Upon discharged to 2.1 V (Figure 5b, Region I), the peaks at 20.9° and 32.1°, corresponding to the (110) and (116) planes of AgTi2(PO4)3, slowly get weakened along with the appearance and enhancement of two new peaks at 20.3° and 32.4°, which can be indexed to the (110) and (116) planes of NaTi2(PO4)3, revealing the replacement reaction between NaTi2(PO4)3 and AgTi2(PO4)3 as follows:

AgTi2(PO4)3 + Na+ + e- → NaTi2(PO4)3 + Ag

Furthermore, in-situ XRD study indicates that the corresponding contour plots shown in Figure 4a display two pairs of highly reversible biphasic reactions.

Generally, in-situ XRD monitors the real-time structural evolution of  battery materials with the capabilities of high sensitivity and elegant resolution. It is significant that in-situ XRD technique plays a key role in structure characterization and reaction machnism investigation for functional material research. 


In Situ Electrochemical Coating Mechanism of NASICONStructured AgTi2(PO4)3 for Sodium-Ion BatteriesZhixuan Wei, Zhongyu Zhang, Nan Chen, Gang Chen, Chunzhong Wang, and Fei Du, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Page 1-20 Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b20539 • Publication Date (Web): 09 Jan 2020





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