主要功能及特色 |
蔡司Gemini460 SEM具备优异的样品响应和表面灵敏度,电子光学镜筒可以快速连续的调节电子束流,对样品进行表面成像,以及快速便捷的EDS分析。该电镜配备了蔡司的Inlens SE、Inlens EsB、样品室内aBSD 探测器用于成像分析;Rise模块用于拉曼成像表征:①仪器具有超高稳定性和成像速度,同时满足高空间分辨率(xy:450nm,z:1500nm),高灵敏度。②到达样品上的真实激光功率连续可调,调节精度0.1mw。拉曼光谱技术可广泛用于各种分析领域,搭载扫描电镜系统可以克服微区定位问题。The Zeiss Gemini460 SEM has excellent response to samples and surface sensitivity. The electron optical tube can be allowed to quickly and continuously adjust the electron beam current, image the surface of the sample, and perform fast and convenient EDS analysis. The electron microscope is equipped with Zeiss' Inlens SE, Inlens EsB, and sample chamber aBSD detectors for imaging analysis; The Rise module is used for Raman imaging characterization: ① This system has ultra-high stability and imaging speed, while meeting the requirement of high spatial resolution (xy: 450nm, z: 1500nm), and high sensitivity. ② The laser power on the sample can be continuously adjusted with an accuracy of 0.1mW. Raman spectrum has be widely used in various of fields, and it can further solve the problem of localization at the level of micro-nano meter by combining with SEM.