主讲人:袁昊,GATAN&EDAX 中国区应用经理
时间:2024/9/26 11:30-13:00
地点:云谷校区 学术环E10-212
扫描电镜下对样品的阴极荧光(CL)观测,是研究材料电子结构与纳米尺度上光与物质交互作用机理的有力手段,物质科学公共实验平台的日立 SU8600 SEM 上配备了美国 Gatan 公司的 Monarc Pro 阴极荧光探测器系统,可实现多种不同的阴极荧光测量模式,并面向全校提供分析。为了提高用户使用水平,更好的支撑用户测试需求,本次培训会将结合阴极荧光表征技术原理、背景知识、应用分享。
The cathodoluminescence (CL) observation of specimens under a scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a potent method for researching the electronic structure of materials and the mechanism of light-matter interaction at the nanoscale. The Hitachi SU8600 SEM at the Instrumentation and Service Center for Physical Sciences(ISCPS) is equipped with the Monarc Pro cathodoluminescence detector system from Gatan Inc., USA, which enables various cathodoluminescence operation modes and is provided for analysis to the entire school. To enhance the user proficiency and better support the users' testing requirements, this training session will integrate the principle, background knowledge and application sharing of cathodoluminescence characterization techniques.
